Description: Personal training and blog website with an admin dashboard to add, update and delete blog posts
Technology: React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, CMS
Development: This was a passion project for me because I was excited to show off my design skills with Tailwind CSS. I started with this Figma design document, but as you can see the site evolved. I just wanted to develop something more light and fun. I also had a great time developing this site because I learned Next.js while building it. I absolutely love how fast the site performs with Next's prerendering of pages.
Description: Online marketplace for the sale, donation and purchase of dog supplies
Technology: React.js, Next.js, Material UI, Express.js, MongoDB, Amazon S3
Development: Starting my design with Figma, I created this and this design document. I then set up the code structure of the front and backend and created a Github repository. I systematically created each aspect of the user interface (except the chat feature) with Material UI, using extra care for mobile responsiveness. The highlight of this project for me was building this project with my team. I loved helping them problem solve and found it very rewarding.
Description: Religious support website, blog and video training course
Technology: React.js, Next.js, Material UI, Firestore, CMS
Development: Starting my design with Figma, I created this design document. I ended up changing the design after better understanding the meaning of the organization's name. The blog and video training course are the noteworthy aspects of this site. Blog posts and video training modules can be added to the site by its owner via the CMS.
Description: Open Source Contribution of Binary Search Algorithm Challenge accepted and live at
Technology: Git, Github, Javascript, Markdown File
Development: This was my capstone project for my open source class in my Computer Science degree. I decided to add a binary search algorithm (BST) coding challenge to the site's curriculum as I saw a need for it. The difficulty of writing a challenge for the BST is that its major benefit is a faster search, which is hard to show without a reliable consistent measuring method. I overcame this difficulty by asking a user to record and output an array containing the middle value at each halving of the array.
Description: Fun and quirky blog where I write about tech
Technology: Wordpress Blog
Development: Starting as a requirement for my degree capstone class, Coding Hotdog took on a life of its own. Each week of my class I would take the pseudonym of, 'The Coding Hotdog,' and write about my passion for tech (with many many dog puns). I even had this post selected and showcased to the entire case by the instructor for being 'fun and interesting.'